Isspro R607VW-10 Standard 2-1/16in 0-1500F Pyrometer Gauge w/ Post Turbo Color & 10in Lead Wire - Black Face Black Bezel | Universal

Manufacturer: Isspro

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As one of the world's largest suppliers of pyrometers to the heavy-duty, marine, automotive and industrial markets, Issprogauges offers a wide variety of pyrometers specifically for your needs. Issprogauges can also customize your pyrometer applications.

Issprogauges offers two types of pyrometer systems:

  • The most common is type K (chromel-alumel), designed for high-temperature applications, 0-2000°F.
  • This is used in most diesel, natural gas and gas engine applications.
  • The low-temperature system, type J, (iron-constantan) operates in the 0-600°F range.
  • These are used in special applications where the manifold head temperature is being sensed instead of exhaust temperature.
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