Gen-Y GH-624 Mega-Duty Class V 21K Drop Hitch 9in Drop for 2-1/2in Reciever | Universal

Manufacturer: Gen-Y Hitch

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Patents protecting the GEN-Y Mega-Duty 21K adjustable drop hitch include #(s) USD697838S1, USD682751S1, USD683279S1, USD797008S1

GEN-Y 2.5? Drop Hitch, rated for 21,000 LB capacity, will adapt to almost any bumper style trailer on the market including a pintle hook. The 21K adjustable drop hitches are available in a 6?, 9?, 12?, 15? or 18? drop and/or rise. All GEN-Y products are designed and tested to be used in the drop or rise position.

The original quick adjust GEN-Y pintle hitch system uses the standard GH-061 2.5? Versa-Ball in addition to the GH-062 pintle lock to quickly and safely connect to any size or height pintle coupling. By simply pulling the pin in the pintle lock and sliding it back into the adjustable GEN-Y hitch system, the lunette eye (pintle ring) of the pintle trailer can then be lowered down over the 2 5/16? side of the Versa-Ball. The last step is to slide the pintle lock back out across the lunette eye and pin it in place securely.

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